Joan Lawrie
Hub Manager

Joan come to the Hub from a wide and varied career background, from initially commencing her career in a corporate telecommunications business focusing on second tier technical support, complaint and financial management to ten years in the Arts, Culture and Heritage sector before commencing the role of Development Manager for Thurso Community Development Trust in 2019.

Joan is a strong advocate for the opportunities available to us in Highlands & Islands. Born and bred in Thurso, she raised two children as a single parent while working full time and taking the opportunity to study with University of the Highlands & Islands. Holding a BA Child & Youth Studies and a BSc (Hons) Sustainable Development. The life and career experiences of Joan shape her thoughts towards climate action and how we address the climate emergency through a strong sense of social justice and ensuring no one is left behind in a just transition. Her work at Thurso Community Development Trust very much focused on addressing community needs of inequalities, social isolation, employability through partnership, enterprise and climate action approaches. She has a strong track record in community engagement, funding, finance and navigating the bureaucracy of the community and charity sectors. A strategic thinker who believes that we can challenge the norms, be bold and ambitious for our communities and encourages strong partnership working.

“ We are all going to be impacted by the changes in our climate but by working together, meeting each other half way, whatever sector we are working in, what ever our backgrounds and experiences we can make positive change for the communities of the Highlands & Islands.”

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