Climate Action Hubs - Learnings from the Pathfinder Hubs

The Scottish Government has recently launched the application process for other networks and organisations across Scotland to apply to become a Hub. A national network of Hubs is being set up anticipated to be around 20 and applications can be made up to the end of 2023. You can find out more information including the application process here.

Ourselves and the NESCAN Hub have been the two pathfinder hubs, operating now for just over 18 months Joan from the Highlands & Islands Climate Hub and Alison from NESCAN have composed this guide to what you may need to consider in starting up a hub.

Read more by clicking the button below to open the document and if you have any further questions on systems and our approaches please feel free to get in touch.

Joan Lawrie

Joan has worked for Thurso Community Development Trust since its inception in 2018. Firstly as a volunteer project officer before taking on the role of Development Officer and now Development Manager. Joan has a BA Child & Youth Studies, a BSc (Hons) Sustainable Development and is currently working on an MSc Net Zero Communities all through University of the Highlands & Islands.

Joan is passionate about the link between climate action projects and how these can help to solve issues around inequalities in our communities. She also constantly likes to think around how we can do differently to be the change.

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