Thurso Community Development Trust is one of 8 partners of the Highland Community Waste Partnership. After the success of recent fashion and seasonal swaps, the Winter Woollies and Partywear Fashion Swap encourages people to dig out items of clothing they will no longer use, but would like to see used by someone else.
Please bring items you’d like to swap in advance, these can be dropped off to Socially growing, 1 Rotterdam Street Thurso which is open Monday - Saturday 10am - 5pm. You’re welcome to bring items on the day too but the more we have in advance, the better.
Please contribute good quality, warm clothing, waterproofs, foot and partywear for people of all ages.
If you do not have anything to swap but are keen to browse and pick up some bits, please do feel free. This event focusses on waste reduction so anything that can be used, should be.
Anything leftover at the end of the swap will be donated to Thurso charity shops. Items will be swapped free of charge or for a donation to Thurso Community development Trust.