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Climate Conversation

Science 03 and The North Highlands and Islands Climate Hub invite you to an online Climate Conversation. The discussion aims to empower attendees to take climate action within their communities and their everyday lives and we promise, taking climate action is easier than you think, many individuals, businesses and community groups take climate action without realising!

The session will be facilitated by Bethany Lawrie, Development Officer with the Hub who looks forward to chatting about how we feel about the Climate Emergency and sharing top tips on reducing our individual and community impact on the environment. The conversation also allows those in attendance the ideal opportunity to suggest Climate Action project ideas which could be taken forward in Caithness and North Sutherland.

This event takes place as part of the Caithness International Science Festival and is free to attend. Use this link to book now, all welcome.

7 September

Climate Conversation

23 September

Swishing - Climate Friendly Clothing Event