Launch of the Climate Hub

In early September it was announced that Thurso Community Development Trust would be operating the first of two pilot Regional Climate Action Hubs funded by the Scottish Government. Aberdeen Climate Action have been selected as the other pilot area and will be operating in Aberdeen and the Shire. The aim of the hubs is to promote, support and celebrate community-led climate action projects. Working with new and existing networks to embed climate action into community organisations and help communities to form their own projects. You can watch Joan Lawrie, Development Manager for Thurso Community Development Trust and Project Manager for the Hub along with Trust Chairperson, Helen Allan announcing the funding below.

Since making this initial announcement we have been working in the background, mapping groups and most importantly recruiting the staff needed for this initial phase of the Hub! We now have two Development Officers in place of Bethany and Amanda for Highland, Jonny for the Islands and Kelly who will be taking up the post of our Admin and Marketing Officer.

The staff will all be in place on 1st November where they will be taking part in a whirlwind induction training programme for all things community led climate action and will then be on hand to connect with existing projects, learn about projects in the region and support new projects forming. We have a small pot of seed funding available and are looking forward to both attending events and hosting our own events as we continue in this pilot phase to end of March 2022.

While we are funded for 3 years by the Scottish Government this initial six month pilot phase is for us to see what works, what communities throughout our region need and what may be needed going forward. Part of this is our geographic region which is very loose in this pilot phase. It may be that the Islands would prefer their own hub, in which case we can gather the evidence for this. Similarly while we say North Highlands we can assist any groups from further afield and will be working closely with Highland Adapts and Architecture Design Scotland on the Climate Action Towns programme in Highland.

We have a really strong chance here across our region, a region known and celebrated for its natural resources from our coast, renewable capabilities, peatlands, forests and mountains to make a real difference and positive contribution to addressing the climate and ecological emergency with strong networks and communities. We’re very excited to get started, to work collaboratively with others and make our region a lead in community led climate action.

Joan Lawrie

Joan has worked for Thurso Community Development Trust since its inception in 2018. Firstly as a volunteer project officer before taking on the role of Development Officer and now Development Manager. Joan has a BA Child & Youth Studies, a BSc (Hons) Sustainable Development and is currently working on an MSc Net Zero Communities all through University of the Highlands & Islands.

Joan is passionate about the link between climate action projects and how these can help to solve issues around inequalities in our communities. She also constantly likes to think around how we can do differently to be the change.

Highland Climate Conference