Join Reuse Charities in calling for a strong and ambitious Circular Economy Bill

Circular Communities Scotland are taking this week to focus on their ambition to see a strong Circular Economy Bill introduced in Scotland. Since their conception, Circular Communities Scotland have championed the importance of reuse, and this week they are celebrating four of their members, and asking them which circular polices would benefit the third sector and their communities.

Why is the bill important?

A bold Circular Economy Bill is the first step in establishing a more sustainable future for Scotland, and paves the way for more climate legislation.

It’s important that reuse charities and social enterprises across Scotland are at the forefront of shaping the bill, as they are the experts; the ones on the ground experienced in reusing items, saving waste from landfill, creating positive outcomes & utilising reuse to address other social issues such as poverty.

The Circular Economy Bill has the potential to reduce waste by introducing new economy strategies & targets. We need to push forward legislation that benefits us and our planet.

What can you do to call for a Circular Economy Bill and live a sustainable life?

  • Share your own lifestyle choices that utilise reusing, to promote others to think creatively

  • Follow Circular Communities’ social media channels to keep up with their work

  • Support local businesses & organisations in your area that champion reuse

  • Instead of throwing away items when they break, consider attending a Repair Cafe instead to learn how to fix your item - learn more about Repair Cafes & find your local one here!

Find out more about their campaign & get involved here


Communities, climate action and the General Election.


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