More marine energy technologies have been tested in Orkney than anywhere else in the world, and news has been coming in recent months of a series of further developments. At sea there are new wave and tidal devices on site, from Orbital Marine, Magallanes and AWS Ocean Energy. On shore there is the coming online of vanadium flow batteries to smooth out the tidal-powered production of hydrogen on Eday.
The European Marine Energy Centre EMEC brings together four speakers to report on the latest developments. From EMEC itself, Amy Sutcliffe describes marine energy impacts on the environment, and Jerry Gibson tells of the progress with vanadium flow batteries.
They’re joined for a wave energy update by Simon Grey, Chief Executive of AWS who currently have a wave device being tested, and for tidal progress by Calum Miller, Principal Engineer & Hydrodynamics Manager at Orbital Marine whose O2 tidal turbine is currently at EMEC’s Fall of Warness tidal test site, the third of their devices to go through the EMEC process.
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