Join us as the summer rolls in with all of our beautiful visitors for their season of romance. Whales, Puffins, Gannets, Fulmar, Guillemots, Seals and Dolphins are all flocking back to Thurso bay for a summer of love and feasting on the migratory fish that boom by our wee home time. Watch and learn about the world's smallest species of albatross, one of the rarest seal species in the world staring back at you, and some of the biggest adrenaline junkies in the baby bird world with our guillemots. Keep an ear out for the unique sound of harbour porpoise and an eye for the pod of Killer whales visiting Thurso Bay through May and June. Binoculars, natural histories, and ID guides provided!
Meet at the Blue Door Cafe, Thurso at 11am on 3rd July
To book please click on the link below: