Take the first step in developing your wildlife garden by joining biodiversity specialist Eileen Summers in looking for wild seeds in the park, which was transformed from an area of open space by community effort. There’s still some wildflowers in seed, and she will also bring folders of pressed flowers to help recognition at other times of year, along with small packets of seed she has collected earlier for you to take away.
The development of the park has been covered by a series of stories in The Orkney News, and we’ll hear about it from its designer, Paul Green. Ethnobotanist Anna Canning will provide information about the varied uses of the plants, and artist Lin Chau will show how seeds and leaves can be incorporated into paper. Bring along some small containers to store seeds in.
The park is across the road from the hospital, and there’s a small car park in Scapa Crescent, alongside the park. You can find out more in advance about creating a wildflower meadow of your own from this article by Eileen Summers in Frontiers magazine.