Public meeting to discuss the Scottish Government's proposals for a new Land Reform Bill.
About this event
We have come a long way on “the land question” in Scotland - but the journey continues.
The Scottish Government has launched a public consultation to gather views and evidence for a new Land Reform Bill. You can read and respond to the consultation here.
We want to hear your views on our proposals.
Come along to the online public meeting to learn more about the Scottish Government's proposals for the Bill. Ms Mairi McAllan, the Minister for Environment and Land Reform, and Ms Slater, the Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversity, will be talking at the event along with Scottish Government officials.
All are welcome to ask questions, raise issues, and contribute to the discussion.
The meeting will be held on Microsoft Teams. Talks will start at 6:30pm and last for 30 minutes. There will be a 45 minute question and answer session following the talks.