Are you worried about the rising cost of energy bills and the impact it will have on your community group? Want advice and tips on how to lower your energy bills?
Then register now for Community Ownership Support Service (COSS) upcoming webinar 'How can I reduce my energy bills now and in the future?'
Hosted by Denise Havard, COSS Facilities Management Advisor, this free webinar will be held via Zoom on the 4th October from 10am - 11am or 5th October from 2pm - 3pm.
This webinar will:
Provide practical solutions to reducing your energy consumption now.
Give you information on how you can decarbonise your community building and become more energy efficient, including information on the CARES programme.
Outline what the benefits may be of signing up to the Scottish Government Utilities Framework and how to go about doing that.
Speakers will include:
Ryan Felber - Business Energy Advisor for Business Energy Scotland - Top tips for reducing energy consumption now.
Mhairi MacSween and Graham McGrath –CARES Development Officers, Local Energy Scotland - how can I decarbonise my community building and make it even more energy efficient.
TBC – Overview of the Scottish Government Utilities Framework and how you can join.
If you would like to register please click here for the 4th October and here for the 5th October.
If you cannot manage either session, they will be recorded and available from the COSS website.
If you would like any further information, please get in touch with