Date: Tuesday 19 July 2022 - 10:00 to 11:00
Venue: Online event
Organiser: Rural Communities - Inspiring Scotland
Having a written plan - or strategy - helps organisations stay focused. It helps everyone know they’re heading in the same direction, your shared priorities, and what you need to make things happen. It also help funders and other people important to your organisation understand what you want to do in the future.
Getting to Grips with Strategy will help you create a strategy that gives everybody involved with your organisation the confidence you’re clear about your purpose and have a plan for how to deliver it.
This session will be useful to you if your organisation: -
works in a rural or island location
is small, grass roots and community led
applies for funding
wants to continue or develop the work it does
doesn’t have a written plan or strategy for the next three to five years
Community groups working in rural and island areas play a key role in supporting a wide range of local needs and priorities. But sometimes they struggle to raise the funds they need, or to manage, plan, measure or share the impact of what they do.
Our Getting to Grips With... programme provides targeted help and support to small, community-led, grass roots organisations who have not applied for Scottish Government, LEADER or Lottery funding before, or who have been unsuccessful with any of the applications they have made.
These free, one-hour online sessions give an introduction to six areas that organisations have indicated that they worry about, or lack skills in. These include fundraising, evaluation, planning for the future, and ensuring your organisation has all the right documents and procedures in place.
With limited numbers and small groups, each session will provide targeted advice, cover basic principles, some top tips, and include opportunities to share experience with rural organisations doing similar work.
Price: Free