September Newsletter

Welcome to our September Newsletter! September is a very exciting month, as we are celebrating the Highlands & Islands Climate Festival.

Find out all about our August news, celebrations & upcoming opportunities aswell as your guide on how to get involved in the Festival in this edition of the Hub Newsletter. Happy reading!


Hub Highlights

Top moments of the month from the Team!


Celebrating with Raigmore Community Residents Association

Bethany was delighted to join Raigmore Community Residents Association during August as they accepted their award from Tenant Participation Scotland for Best Practice in Engaging Tenants in Environmental Initiatives Projects!

They've been working hard to create numerous outdoor spaces for all ages to enjoy: WellBeing Garden, GrowingPlace & WildSpace. Their hard work was recognised by TPAS, and The Highland Council who nominated them for the award for their hard work in removing barriers from people accessing green spaces.

The Hub is proud to have supported RCRA with the feasibility study of the Raigmore Food Forest - an urban growing space in Inverness that is available for the community to forage - and looks forward to continuing work together in the future.

Katy & Mhairi collaborate at Development Trust Association Scotland (DTAS) Conference

Katy & Mhairi were present at the DTAS Conference.

They teamed with the National Climate Hub Network, connecting with the Argyll and Bute Hub, West Lothian Hub & Lanarkshire Hub to spotlight the Network's role in empowering and supporting community led climate action across Scotland.

While each Hub covers a very different area of Scotland, all have vibrant communities leading innovative & sustainable projects which are powering Scotland's just transition. It was a pleasure to discuss collaboration with Development Trusts, and meet those from further afield in Scotland.

Luci is out and about in Caithness & Sutherland!

Over August Luci has enjoyed lots of trips to visit members across Caithness & Sutherland! She was thrilled to start the month with a visit to Waterlines in Lybster, one the Hub’s newest members!

She then headed to join Kyle of Sutherland Development Trust in Ardgay as they officially opened their community garden, speeches from staff and volunteers made it clear how hard they had worked & how much benefit the community would see. A special touch was the planting of an apple tree to remember Ross Whitehead, a leader in the development of the garden.

The Farr North Development Trust’s Community Group Summit was a valuable day out too. It offered a space for community groups to devise collaboration in plans to meet common goals, and Luci discussed the support the Hub could give to groups. Then she managed to head to Thurs Grows Open Day, which was (as always) filled with lots of good food! Thurso Community Development Trust were joined by Plantlife and RSPB to discuss garden biodiversity & how to care for plants at home.

Katy on tour

Katy enjoyed a visit to Dundee & Edinburgh! She headed to Edinburgh Tool Library for a learning exchange session, in which she go a tour of their facilities and what tools they can offered on lend, and other services. Naturally, while in Dundee she had to grab a coffee with the Changemakers to chat all things community climate action and what is going on in the Dundee Climate Action Network!


What’s coming up?

Join us at any of our upcoming events!


Funding News

Check out the latest funding opportunities. Check out the August Funding Finder for the latest funds, and stay tuned for the September edition coming in a few weeks!


Funding Finder

Climate Action Fund

Our Climate Action Fund is officially open for 2024-25!

This year our fund will be open EVERY month on a rolling basis with decisions made each month. Funding opens on 1st day of each month, and closes on the last day.

  • Grants of up to £500 up for offer.

  • For new community organisations or new climate action projects.

  • Exclusive to members of the Highlands & Islands Climate Hub

  • Projects funded must be able to complete and report on the impact of their project by 31st March 2024.


Training & Development

Take advantage of the resources the Hub can offer you to expand your knowledge.


Food Hygiene Training

We are offering fully funded Level 2 Food Hygiene for Catering courses to our members! If you are involved in a a refill shop, community fridge, or working with food in any capacity we would love to support your work with this training. Apply here.

Past Event Recordings

Campaigning for Change with Less Waste Laura (April 2024)

Meet the Funder: Foundation Scotland (June 2024)

Community Woodlands Skillshare (June 2024)

Insight to Environmental Standards Scotland (August 2024)


Spotlight on our Members

This part of our Newsletter is dedicated exclusively to celebrating the successes of our Members over the last month and getting excited for their upcoming plans!


Funding success for Lairg & District Learning Centre!

Lairg & District Learning Centre has been awarded a grant from the Scottish Government's Climate Engagement Fund!

They’ll be launching a new project to raise climate awareness through bird migration, with creative writing workshops, art, and immersive walks to highlight the importance of adaption and mitigation.

The Scottish Government’s Climate Engagement Fund is aimed at increasing people’s understanding of climate change and encouraging individuals to take action. Lairg & District Learning Centre were 1 of only 8 selected from 180 applicants to be successful in receiving funding.

Well done Team!

Find out more about the fund here.

Call for weather stories to be added to the Highland Weather & Climate Story Map

It’s the last month to add weather stories to Highland Adapts’ Highland Weather & Climate Story Map.

In the Highlands, the weather (short-term atmospheric conditions) usually changes multiple times a day. The climate (long-term weather patterns) is also changing, although it is not always as easy to see.

Climate change is causing more frequent extreme weather events (storms, heavy downpours, strong winds) and different weather patterns over time (average temperature increases, extended dry periods). The Highland Weather & Climate Story Map was designed to collect your stories about how both weather and climate impact you.

Highland Adapts is calling on Highland residents to submit their weather and climate stories - detailing location, conditions & impact. The map shows the human impact of climate change - how it goes beyond science and impacts on industry & livelihood.

View stories already on the map and add one here.

Exciting year for Grantown Remakery

Grantown Remakery has received funding from the Cairngorm Trust to enable them to open for an additional day! This allows them to appoint a Part Time member of staff and employ their Workshop Supervisor for an extra day, enabling them to repair, refurbish and save even more from Landfill, as well as teaching more people work skills!

This is the latest in a long line of wonderful events for the Remakery this year, visits from well-known celebrities, from and MP and an MSP and of course from The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh. The final news being that Arnold Clark Van Hire have given them free van hire to support our work, so many thanks to them.

Going from strength to strength!

Seedfest Part 2

After the success of Seeds of Scotland’s first Seedfest, they’re having another one!

Join them on the autumn equinox to reconnect as a seed network, share updates and inspiration, and learn together. This is an event for those involved in the open pollinated vegetable and grain seed networks in Scotland.

Meet at Inchindown Farm, a testing ground for diverse grains. The day will include updates from the network, tours of Inchindown Farm and the nearby Seeds of Scotland, workshops, equipment demos and more. Lunch and dinner will be provided. Camping is available on-site for those travelling from farther afield. 

Book here!

Zero Waste Food Challenge Online Modules to be launched

As part of their work to promote more #ConsciousConsumption, the Highland Community Waste Partnership will be launching the Zero Waste Food Challenge, a free online resource to help households understand and reduce the amount of food they throw away, saving money as well as the environment.

The challenge consists of 6 modules designed to help reduce food waste at each stage of the food waste journey: planning, shopping, storing, preparing, consuming and composting.

Learn more here.


Repair Directory to launch across the Highlands during the Highland & Islands Climate Festival

The Highland Community Waste Partnership has devised the first ever Highland Repair Directory to enable people to find repair services in their area prolonging the life of valuable items.

The user-friendly map is split into eight categories, clothes, shoes and accessories; bike repairs; furniture; phones; laptops; and computers; white goods; electrical items; tools and machinery, and others.

Launching during the Highlands and Islands Climate Festival, keep and eye out for the Highland Repair Directory coming soon!

Creative Carbon Scotland Workshops

Creative Carbon Scotland have a range of events and opportunities coming up -

Theatre Green Book and Carbon Literacy Training

  • Wednesday 2nd October - Eden Court, Inverness

  • Join Creative Carbon Scotland, The Federation of Scottish Theatre, The National Theatre of Scotland, and Dundee Rep and Scottish Dance Theatre, as they launch a new training initiative for the cultural sector’s response to the Climate Crisis. The initiative will involve hosting Carbon Literacy Training with a follow up session next Spring to focus on implementation. As well as Carbon Literacy, the training will also develop confidence in use of the Theatre Green Book. The intention is to form a lasting network for professional development and change thereafter, creating a mechanism for peer-to-peer support.The training will be led by Jennifer Taillefer, who has a national and international reputation for work in this field.

  • Book here

In the week of 2nd- 4th October 2024, in a partnership between

Green Touring: What does it mean to tour sustainability?

  • Thursday 3 October - Online - 2pm–4pm

  • Join Creative Carbon Scotland in partnership with Magnetic North and The Touring Network as they explore what it means to tour sustainably in an unsustainable world. Hear stories and perspectives from artists who have toured using sustainable transport, the different approaches organisations and artists can take, and discuss ways we can work together to change the systemic issues that currently prevent sustainable touring from happening.

  • Book here

Climate Justice and Aviation – workshop for cultural organisations

  • Thursday 26 September - Online - 3pm–4:45pm

  • An online workshop focusing on the intersection of climate justice and aviation, specifically tailored for cultural organisations.  It is based on material from Stay Grounded, a global network of more than 200 member organisations including CCS, that aims to exchange experiences, support each other, and foster a reduction of aviation and its negative impacts on climate and health.

  • Book here

Sustainable cleaning in Lochaber

By selling sustainably, Scruples has managed to save over 80 five litre containers not going to landfill!

By offering refills, Scruples saves having to use new bottles for consumers. This year alone over 400 litres of Pink Grapefruit and Aloe Vera bodywash and bubble bath have refilled in 5L containers.

By refilling laundry liquid and Fabric Conditioner at consumer’s houses, Scruples has saved 1,900 plastic containers going to landfill.

Want to get involved? Contract Tracy by email or call 07949 382878

Carbon Neutral Islands Database

Carbon Neutral Islands are collating a "project database" - to detail community climate projects taking place all across Scotland. If you are in the midst of a climate project which is community led and for local community benefit, please get in touch with and she will ensure it gets added to the project map! Whether the project is decarbonising, sharing, repairing or growing, all are welcome to be added to the database.


Have your say!


The Scottish Government is currently consulting on proposals to introduce a consumer charge for single-use disposable beverage cups.

Around four-fifths of Scotland’s carbon footprint comes from the products and services we manufacture, use and throw away.

The Circular Economy (Scotland) Act 2024 provides new powers requiring suppliers of single-use items to charge a minimum amount for such items, with the policy aim of reducing consumption and therefore reducing the environmental harm caused. The Scottish Government intends that an early use of such powers will be to introduce a minimum charge on single-use disposable beverage cups.


Join us! Become a Member.


If you are passionate about climate action, and want access to our funding, support & collaborative environment, why not join us a Member?

Membership is free and open to organisations and individuals. We look forward to working with you soon!


September Funding Finder


August Funding Finder