Ardersier Port Community Visit

Back in September 2024 Nairn Climate Cafe, a monthly session in partnership with the Highland Weigh, brought their community together to listen and learn from Haventus, who own Ardersier Port. As part of the Climate Cafe the hope was to learn from Haventus about developments such as dredging activity, the ecological considerations being undertaken at the site to preserve habitats of significant importance and to dispel any myths about what was or was not happening behind the newly acquired site. This session was well attended and the community was kindly offered a site visit by Haventus. 

As daylight hours started to lengthen, the date was set for Friday 7th February. Haventus organised bus transport from Nairn and Fiona coordinated interested community members for the site visit. After the short journey along the A96, the group were kitted out in hi vis jackets and hardhats and taken by bus to the edge of the new harbour wall, still under construction. The size and scale of the sight was considerable and with a plethorea of heavy machinery on site and various contractors busy working it was clear why security is so tight on entrance. 

As daylight began to fade we made our way back to the Haventus buildings to hear from Dr Campbell Fleming,  Head of Consenting and Environment from Haventus. A short presentation focused on the identified species of butterfly, birds and seals which reside within the Port boundary and what protection was in place in partnership with NatureScot and RSPB. We were also informed of actions taken by Haventus to work with Whale and Dolphin Conservation on understanding the patterns of movement of the resident dolphin population and impact of the dredging on sounds within the Moray Firth. We were treated to some incredible cakes and drinks as the group were invited to ask questions. We found Haventus to be both welcoming and very transparent throughout the site visit. 

It was great to get the Nairn Climate Cafe regulars and interested community members to the site but crucially it was fantastic to see some community action taking place from Nairn Climate Cafe. This outing pulled together learning, interest and questions from our sessions with Haventus, Species on the Edge and also Whale and Dolphin Conservation. Nairn Climate Cafe takes place on the last Thursday of every month at The Highland Weigh (Nairn High Street) between 7-9pm/ It is a free, informal and welcoming session for the community to come along, engage and explore aspects of climate change and its impacts locally and nationally. 

Haventus have created the Haventus Arderiers Port Community Fund, administered by Foundation Scotland and pledged to support local community projects with £100,000 per year, with grants of up to £10,000 available for eligible groups and organsations. More details are available here:  Haventus Ardersier Port Community Benefit Fund | Foundation Scotland

Thank you to Jonathon Milne and Dr Campbell Fleming for hosting us. 

Fiona Keir

Fiona is our Development Officer for Inverness and Southern Highland. She is passionate about community-led climate action. She loves supporting volunteers to instigate change and engage in climate related discussions.


March Funding Finder


February Funding Finder