A brilliant round of the Highlands and Islands Community Climate Action Fund.

The Highlands and islands Climate Hub is a Scottish Government funded project and is one of a network of Hubs to be established across Scotland. Its purpose is to offer training, networking, support and a voice to communities taking climate action and those with climate driven goals. The Hub network will help Scottish Government to deliver its ambitious net zero targets.

As part of our activity, we offer small grants to support communities to either carry out community consultation to understand community need/desire around an idea for a project or, to start an already researched, new project.

We’re thrilled to have distributed over £18,000 to 27 organisations between September 2022 and March 2023 via the Highlands and Islands Community Climate Action Fund. Recipients have carried out phenomenal work with some not only taking positive climate action but receiving national recognition! Ullapool Sea Savers were mentioned by the Marine Conservation Society for their work in reducing cigarette butts from reaching the ocean by installing three ballot bins which they paid for using a grant from the Hub.

Another recipient is Hub members Socially Growing, a social enterprise aiming to grow food, people and a refill revolution. They applied to the Highlands and Islands Community Climate Action Fund to boost their website presence and E Commerce offering. Socially Growing is a three prong social enterprise in Thurso, Caithness;

  • A bricks and mortar zero waste refill shop

  • Greenhouses with huge ambitions to stock not just the shop but local cafes, restaurants and hotels with fresh, locally grown veggies

  • A training facility which works with locals, young people and the criminal justice service.

We’re excited to play a small part in their operations. The Highlands and Islands Community Climate Action Fund will open again in due course. Huge thank you to everyone who applied and participated in community led climate action in the last round.

Ullapool Sea Savers


Fashion - part of the climate crisis which could become sustainable. The follow up!


Fast Fashion - part of the climate crisis which could become sustainable.