Development Diary Week 3

Hi everyone, welcome to Friday, Amanda here! Can you believe that we are now halfway through March? Time just seems to be going by so quickly! This week it is my turn to write the Development Diary and provide an insight into what I have been busy with this week.

I spent a couple of days up in the office at the Thurso Community Development trust office, working with Kelly our Admin & Marketing Officer, bringing information and resources together for the members area that will be on our website. This includes policy templates, business plan templates and guides, information, and advice on various aspects of what is needed to run a successful community group or organisation.

I have been busy in the evenings attending community council and development trust meetings across the Highlands, including Ardgay, Tongue and Dornoch this week. It has been lovely talking with so many different people I am really enjoying the feedback and insights that are coming back to us directly from those that we are here to help and support. I have also been working on the organisation and presentation of an information session. On Tuesday the 5th of April I will be hosting online sessions for Community Food Growing projects. There will be two sessions, one at 2pm and one at 7pm. We will have guest speakers who will be able to offer advice, support and share their experiences in similar projects. So, if you are part of a Community Food Growing Project, or you would like to find out more about starting one, you can find the registration information Here.

A few photos from Amanda’s trip last week to Helmsdale and District Development Trust.

I was also assisting fellow Development Officer Jonny with his information sessions on circular economy, where guest speakers such as Circular Communities Scotland and Plastic at Bay shared great advice, and experiences to help support projects and encourage new groups to partake in projects in relation to circular economy, such as sharing sheds, repair café’s and even upcycling workshops, lots of great options to consider.

Other meetings this week have included the Sutherland Community Partnership food group, with updates and discussions on food matters across Sutherland, including worries about food poverty with the rising costs of fuel we are currently facing, with updates from those in the area that are providing food assistance in forms of food larders, providing hot meals and even education in food preparation. I also met Mhairi from Highland Seedlings and Fearn Free Food Community Garden, to learn all about the work that they are currently working on at the moment, what they would like to be able to provide for their community and how they would like to see their project progress to in the future.

So, a very varied week across the board and as usual no two days are ever the same! Over the next couple of weeks, we have several networking opportunities for everyone across the region, we would love for you to come along and talk about your projects, about climate concerns you have in your area and just to network with like-minded people, you can register for these events via the link Upcoming events.

Before I sign off for the weekend, I would also like to invite you to fill out our survey Hub Survey — North Highlands & Islands Climate Hub ( for groups and organisation, regarding climate action projects and what support they would like to see offered by the Hub, ensuring we are helping you in the ways that are needed the most!  

Have a great weekend everyone and I will look forward to seeing you at our networking and information sessions. 


Development Diaries 25th March


Development Diaries Week 2